Game Jam Twin Stick Shooter
We were a team of 3 and we had a day to design and create a game, below is the game we created
Design Process
When we started in the morning, we spent time coming up with a game idea initial ideas were a car chasing game where you escape a pursuer and a snake game where you had to hit boxes on the map that corresponded with a musical beat, but we settled on a game where the player has to defeat an onslaught of enemies. After agreeing on the initial idea the next step was to decide on the mechanics and how the game would look, we first decided that for each enemy that the player kills an enemy they get gold, this gold is then used to upgrade the player in intervals between enemy raids, these upgrades include health, damage and fire rate. Having decided what was going to happen in the game work started on getting the mechanics working, the first step was to get movement and projectiles working as it was a fundamental part of the game, once this was working we moved onto spawning in enemies, this step took some time as the code would spawn the enemies but wouldn’t make them follow the player so this took some time to fix, after this we added player health so that the enemies could do damage adding urgency to the players actions alongside this we also made a menu for the game. While the mechanics and menu were being made other members of the team were making the art for the game, i.e the sprites for the enemies and the player, this went well and new sprites for enemies, the player and UI objects were regularly submitted, having done both of this the next was to put them together and gave the enemies and player sprites.