Non Digital Game Final Rules


Farm Animal Rush Rules


-          Farm animal rush is a push your luck card based game where the players compete to have the best farm, for 2-4 players

Game Pieces

-          30 Cards;

-          5 Pigs

-          5 Chickens

-          5 Horses

-          5 Sheep

-          5 Llamas

-          5 Impalas


-          The game opens with each player picking a card from the deck one at a time until each player has 5 cards

-          The cards are placed face up in front of each player so that all players can see each other’s decks

-          Once each player has 5 cards, they choose any cards they want to change in the order that they picked a card, they can choose one card per turn taking the top card from the deck, the card that they replaced is placed in a separate discarded card deck

-          Players can keep their cards instead of changing one round but then change them the next, opting out of changing cards doesn’t lock you in to those cards

-          This happens until either each player is happy with their hand, or the deck is empty, as discarded cards cannot be brought back in to play

-          At this point the player adds up the scores from their cards and the player with the most points win the round, and gets to draw their card first the next round, the second placed player draws second etc

-          5 rounds make up a game, the player who has won the most rounds wins the game

-          The score for each card and the combinations of cards can be found on each card, add up from the highest scoring card

Round Sequence

-         Players will take one card at a time, for the first round drawing from oldest to youngest, they then pass the deck around until they each have 5 cards, left over cards will be put in the middle

-         Once they each have 5 cards starting from the first player to draw a card they decide whether or not keep or swap their cards, swapped cards will be put in a discarded pile, this happens until the spare deck is empty or if all players are happy with their decks

-         The score from the cards is then added up and the player with the most points wins the round

-         The player with the most points from the previous round draws first, the second draws second etc.

- The players play 5 rounds, the player that wins the most rounds wins the game

Card Types

Pigs- They’re the cheapest because they’re commonly found on farms and are easy to keep

Chickens- they’re cheap to keep, and are worth more than pigs because they can be sold for meat and eggs, as well as to draw in visitors

Impala- Having such an exotic animal guarantees wide knowledge of the farm and large educational group visits brining in money

Llama- An exotic animal to use as an attraction and for the sale of their wool

Sheep- worth more than horses because a flock of sheep will draw in visitors and are good for wool and meat, which will earn more than horses

Horses- Low down on the point scale because they’re expensive to keep and can only be used to ride and for visitors


Non Digital Game Iteration